2021 Endorsed Legislation

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HB4, "Civil Rights Act"
HB18, Safety Devices for Surrender of Infants
HB29, No Discrimination for Hair | "The CROWN Act"
HB56, Sex Offender and Human Trafficking Act
HB118, Homeless Youth Employment Credit
HB127, Homeless Youth ID Card Act
HB158, Legislative Created Tasks Forces Subject to Open Meetings Act
HB202, Enacting "Kevin S" Class Action Lawsuit Reforms as Law
HB213, School District Special Ed Services Fund
HB222, PED Creating Special Education Office Of Ombudsman
HB284, Independent Appeals Process for Grievances Against CYFD
SB36, Child Testimony Reform
SB80, No Discrimination for Hair | "The CROWN Act"
SB242, Substitute Care Advisory Council Enhancements
SB395, Independent Appeals Process for Grievances Against CYFD


HB284/SB395, Creating Administrative Appeals Grievance Procedure Against CYFD

HB284, creates an independent appeals process through an independent administrative hearing office for grievances against CYFD. This critical bill is sponsored by Rep. Rebecca Dow, Sen. Jacob Candelaria, Rep. Meredith Dixon, Rep. Ryan Lane, and Rep Candie Sweetser.

This bill protects all stakeholders against retaliation from CYFD. We have created an advocacy kit for your ease and reference, which includes talking points about the bill, and an example of emails to your legislators.

New Mexico Child First Network endorses HB284 & SB395. This is priority legislation for NMCFN.

Link to HB284 → | Link to SB395 →

HB202, Enacting Kevin S Lawsuit Settlement Changes to Foster Care

HB202 , enacting the agreements of the settlement from the foster care class action lawsuit known as "Kevin S". This bill is sponsored by Representatives Meredith Dixon, Rep Marian Matthews, Rep. Candy Sweetser, and Rep. Joanne Ferrary.

New Mexico Child First Network endorses HB202.

Link to bill →

SB242, Citizen Substitute Review Act
*to be heard in Senate Health on Monday, Feb 22, 2021

SB242, enhancing the Substitute Care Advisory Council (SCAC, formerly Citizen's Review Board) Act, was introduced and is sponsored by Rep. Marian Matthews and Sen. Gay Kernan. Many of the proposed changes came directly from the SCAC's 2020 Annual Report (*must read*).

New Mexico Child First Network endorses SB242. This is priority legislation for NMCFN.

Link to bill →

HB158, Legislative Created Task Forces Subject to Open Meetings Act

HB158, ensuring that legislative-requested task forces be subject to the Open Meetings Act, heads to the House floor for a full vote. HB 158 is sponsored by Representative Kelly Fajardo, Rep. Matthew McQueen, Senator Mark Moores, and Senator David M. Gallegos.

New Mexico Child First Network endorses HB158. This is priority legislation for NMCFN.

HB158 was partially in response to the efforts Rep Fajardo, Rep Dow, and Senator Gallegos made sure to include the public in the 2019 HJM10 Task Force meetings.

Link to bill →

NM Child First