May Is Foster Care Awareness Month
Dedicated to all the children in the U.S. foster care system, May is National Foster Care Appreciation and Awareness Month.
There are approximately 2,300 children in foster care in New Mexico.
70 of these children are currently waiting for an adoptive family.
NM currently ranks 50th / 50 for child well-being
Once in our New Mexico child welfare system, a child in foster care experiences an average of six (6) placement changes per year – each move a likely source of additional trauma.
1 out of every 3 foster parents will relinquish their license within their first year
More than 26,000 grandparents in New Mexico are raising grandchildren
1 / 23 newborns in NM is born drug-exposed
During transition to adulthood, 1 in 3 foster youth will experience homelessness
NM has more children with 4+ Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) than any other state
There are more than 5,000 homeless youth in ABQ
- 60% of all child sex trafficking victims have histories in the child welfare system