Training: How Substance Exposure Impacts Development & Learning: NAS + Drug Exposure in Utero
TRAINING: Thursday November 10th from 10AM - 11AM Via Zoom
New Mexico Child First Network presents Cindy Chamberlin, President of "To the Moon and Back, Inc" WV to discuss substance exposure in utero, its impacts on early development as well as challenges experienced as these children grow older and transition into school. We will review current research, trends in care, and additional ideas on how to facilitate family advocacy and engagement. Early developmental milestones, the importance of tummy time, and bonding with caregivers will be highlighted as well as dispelling myths associated with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. We will review the challenges of core weakness and how it contributes to sensory processing challenges as a child gets older and discuss strategy ideas for common challenges observed both in the home and school settings.
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