Nov 21st: CYFD HJM 10 Task Force meeting

Inaugural HJM-10 Task Force meeting. This meeting will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at: UNM Continuing Ed / 1634 University Blvd. NE 87131. The meeting will take place in Room 123

The Secretary and team at CYFD very much look forward to this meeting and to getting the work of the HJM-10 Task Force started.

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NM Child First
PAST: ECE Forum for foster/adoptive parents

The meeting will begin with the short presentation on the Statewide Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan and a summary of Senate Bill 22 (SB22). There will be discussion to follow so that you, the participants can offer your input on early childhood programs in New Mexico (what's working, what are the challenges, and what you would like to see).

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NM Child First